The game plan that will change the game.
This is where the journey to excellence begins. Two decades of training the NBA and the corporate elite, all boiled down to these five principles. In a world where most won't make the team and many sit the bench – Rob Mac and these principles will take you from walk-on straight to the starting line-up.
Do The Hard Work
It doesn’t matter if you’re Steph Curry the NBA legend or Steve Murphy the CPA legend, no one gets to greatness without respecting and embracing “The Grind.” Like Rob always tells his players, make every rep a “game” rep. And always ask yourself, “did I get better today?”
Relationships Matter Most
How you choose to show up and interact with those around you speaks volumes about your ultimate success. Be available. Be attentive. Be a resource and not just an acquaintance. Know people at a one-on-one basis. Think friends. Not clients. And once you get that relationship, learn how to keep it and grow it.
ASpire For more
Never get complacent. Never assume a thing. Never ever lose the walk-on mentality. Because no matter how successful you are, you’re never a finished product. There are always ways to improve. The minute you become satisfied is when the competition catches up.
Keep It Professional
You are the CEO of your career. Act accordingly. Act like a pro. Work like a pro. Live like a pro. Everything you do in your life will effect your business. Practice accountability and treat everyone like a star.
Make it PerSONal
Every interaction is an opportunity to personally express your true and best self. To network and make connections that go far beyond that initial handshake or fist bump. Your goal should be to consistently help other people. It always comes back around. Networking is a two-way street.